
Showing posts from December, 2021

Prefinal 3rd internal assessment examination

 III - INTERNAL ASSESSMENT EXAMINATION  Date : 16/12/2021. 1.Define heart failure. Etiology and clinical features of heart failure. How do we diagnose heart failure clinically, physical examination and various modalities used in diagnosis of heart failure. Write a brife note on treatment of heart failure.  2.Define Cirrhosis of liver. Etiopathogenesis  of cirrhosis of liver. Write a brief note on clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of cirrhosis of liver.  3.Elaborate on clinical features and diagnostic modalities in diagnosis of renal caliculi.  4. Etiology of pleural effusion. Diagnostic criteria of plueral effusion.  5.Diagnosis and treatment of dengue fever.  6.clinical features and diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease.  9.Etiology and treatment of pneumonia.  10.Complications of dialysis.  11.Asicitic fluid analysis.    12.Proton pump inhibitors.  13. After load reducing agents.  14.Treatment of urinary tract infection.  15.Differential diagnosis of "fever with rash".

A 35 years old male patient with hepatic encephalopathy

 This is online elog book to discuss for patients deidentified health data shared after taking her/guardians signed informed consent Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. A 35 years old male patient present to the opd with chief complains of altered sensorium,yellow discoloration of sclera, pedal edema since 1 week.  History of present illness Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 years back. Then he developed yellowish discoloration of sclera in 2014 with altered sensorium so he took treatment in hospital in Hyderabad.  Where he was diagnosed as the chronic liver disease. From then he was on medication.  Patient has habit of alcohol, so he was adviced not to consume alcohol.  He stopped the medication and continued drinking alcohol.  He had fever from 4 days which is subsided on medication.  Histo

35 years old male patient with recurrent fever

This is online elog book to discuss for patients deidentified health data shared after taking her/guardians signed informed consent Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. A 35year old male patient presented to the opd with fever and dizziness since 3 days.  Daily routine Patient is barber by occupatin. He wakes up at 6:00am in the morning, after his daily activity . He goes to the barber shop and runs it for 2-3 hrs. Then he drink alcohol. In afternoon after taking he lunch he sleeps for sometime. In the evening he again goes to barber shop. In the night he again consumes alcohol. Comes back home and takes dinner and sleep.  History of present illness Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days back. Then he developed fever which was decreasing on taking anti pyretics.  He become unconscious and fell